
Conference Venue

The conference took place in Facultad de Informática of Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

The nearest Metro station to Facultad de Informática is Ciudad Universitaria on Line 6 [map]. From there to Facultad de Informática you may either walk (15-20 minutes) or take bus line U, or G, or 82 (click on the bus icon on the map to view the routes.)


The conference's associated hotel was VP Jardín Metropolitano [map], an excellent 4-star hotel located in Avenida Reina Victoria, with Cuatro Caminos Metro station and Bus Line F a few meters away from the hotel entrance.

Rooms at reduced rates were reserved for conference participants until 30th May 2012. Rates included buffet breakfast, wifi, and non-refundable value-added tax (IVA in Spanish).

About Spain and Madrid

Spain is located in southwest Europe and is a member state of the European Union. Madrid is Spain's vibrant capital, the country's largest city and the third largest city in the European Union after London and Berlin. Madrid is located in the centre of the country and of the Community of Madrid.

Some useful links: